Thursday, April 14, 2011

March Recap Leads to April Resolution: Knowledge

So I like super slacked on updating at the end of the month like I was supposed to. Sorry, but it happens a lot that I don't feel like writing anything because I don't know what to write. Let's jump right back into March, shall we?

March 31st 2011:

Wow, being creative was a little bit hard. While I really tried to create awesome things of art or words, it turns out that to me being creative is baking. I baked a lot of cookies, like sugar cookies with chocolate chips and snicker doodles. In the beginning of the month, I decided to cut my hair IN HALF length wise, freeing myself of boob-length hair and the lack of fun things to do with it when you don't have a handmaiden to help you do your hair.

In honor of Mardi Gras (Kristy's "cultural heritage holiday") me, Kristy and Carol went to Harry's Whole Foods to seek out a king cake to devour.. sadly, the cakes there were really sad looking so we decided instead to raid the pastry items (12 little cakes for $10!!) and get dinner from the awesome assortment of things they have to offer. Once we got home we decided to have a Fancee Partee with our little cakes, sandwiches and sparkling juice. That meant dressing up in snazzy jammies, donning hats and posing for photographs before we could inhale our food and watch A Midsummer's Night Dream.. because we were fucking fancy, dammit!

we're kind of awesome like that...

I also decided to bake for St Patrick's day and went really crazy with it.. Last year I made Irish Carbomb Cupcakes and they went over really well so I decided to give them another shot and see if I could make them better. They did turn out better, but now I have plans for NEXT year to make them the most wonderful chocolatey-Guinnessy cupcakes in the world. In addition to my beer/chocolate combination of delight, for my roommate that doesn't drink I decided to make  Green Velvet Cupcakes. Sadly they didn't rise to the occasion so I mutilated them into cake balls with no coating of frosting or white chocolate ganache. Next time they will be wonderful and cute, dammit.

Don't you want a bite?

That was really about all I got done creativity wise, which didn't help me maintain February's resolution of being healthy. Surprisingly, by the end of the month I was actually down to just below 150 pounds, go me!

April is going to be all about Knowledge and learning new things, be they random bits of trivia or just how to do something new. Hopefully this will get me in gear to start studying for SATs or ACTs or whatever it is I will have to take to get into culinary school... hopefully.