Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Resolution: Be Healthy Recap

So passes the shortest month of the year. It was a good month, full of snow and ice and frozen yogurt and holey shoes and lots and lots of breathing.

The goal of February was to be healthy. I think I did pretty well. There were days that were harder than others, especially when it came to walking. For the first part of the month my car was still broken so in order to get to work I had to walk... but once the car got fixed, back I slipped into my laziness spiral of sleeping in until I had to get up. Drinking water was a bit easier, since I carried a 20 ounce bottle with me just about everywhere I went. There were some days where I drank a lot more than others, but from what I hear that's pretty normal. Plus, I would have probably died if I had drank 80 ounces every day, since that seems to be the most I could drink.

There was a pattern to my drinking that I started to notice after the first week. I would drink very little for one day, maybe 20 ounces if not less, and then the next day I would drink between 40 and 80 ounces. My constant seems to be 20 ounces a day, which isn't bad considering that I used to drink maybe 20 ounces in a WEEK before this month.

Sadly, I never made it to the gym with my roommates to rock out the treadmill or any of the classes that they took. I'll keep trying, though, since the gym they joined has an awesome rate of like $10 a month for a year.. and the visitor pass is $5. We'll see how that pans out.

On February 2nd I weighed 154.8 pounds, but on February 4th I went down to 152.4 pounds. By the 16th (after a weekend of eating horrible for you food and Valentines chocolate and not enough water) I was back up to 154.3. But by the 23rd I was down to my lowest yet at 150.2 pounds. And finally, as of the writing of this, I'm sitting at 151.4 pounds.

I have a goal for how much weight I would love to lose in this year, and by looking at what I did in 28 days without even really changing anything other than water intake and walking a bit more, I have confidence that I'll be able to reach it by next February.

The numbers:

Total Water Intake: 770 ounces = 5.8 gallons
Total (known) Miles Walked: 11
Total Weight Lost: 3.5 pounds

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